Hello Newgrounds
Just thought I'd add my first news post to my page for anyone who saw "Sherlock Holmes Ep5" and decided to take a look at my profile page, or if your seeing this from the front page, who not take a look with the link below. Hope you guys like it, Im no good at estimating how well things will do after spending so long on something and becoming so familiar with it, but the last one holds daily 4th... If you do like it, theres 4 other episodes and a christmas special, and coming up theres another episode that was finished before I even started Ep5, I just decided not to release it until closer to Halloween, and Ill start voicing a christmas episode for this year too soon. The on-hold episode takes some of the plot from a book from the time, while the christmas one wont this time.
And im sorry, I dont usually like cartoons on here that have a really long opening credit sequence for artists to feel important and have their "NAME Studios"/"NAME Productions", but the Terminator theme was too good to leave out so opening credits that long had to happen...heres a pic of the Halloween episode anyway.